Monday, October 02, 2006

TMX Elmo OCT 1 is here !

Well today was the day that the TMX Elmo Doll was going to be available at my local Wal Mart. Since I already had one I thought I'd take a peek to see how long they remained in stock...Of course as you would have guessed the TMX Elmo was OUT OF STOCK before 10am!! The stock girl said they just flew off the shelves and that they "should" be getting more soon...

A quick look at wal mart.com shows that they are also OUT OF STOCK. Even the Barbie with TMX Elmo was out of stock. I think that must be wrong, because its cheaper priced than the TMX Elmo doll alone. I think its a smaller version of Elmo and not the real TMX one.

A quick scan of toys r us.com shows that they don't even have TMX Elmo listed for sale! They do have the fun Elmo Giggle and Shake Chair, that maybe a fun substitute if you can't find the TMX.

If anyone has any great ideas on where to find or buy the TMX Elmo Doll let us know! This looks like the first big hit of the Christmas toy season.